Crosspost: July 11, 2006
24 Hours
{Note: This is not a typical day. I usually do much more reading than TV-watching. I also usually make a more complicated dinner, and often some kind of dessert. Also, nearly every instance of TV-watching today was accompanied by random spurts of "picking up living room" or something similar.}Midnight: Watching the end of CSI, eating brown sugar cookies with Cool Whip, plotting some fun in a few minutes
1 am: Reading
2 am: Falling asleep
3 am: Sleeping
4 am: Sleeping
5 am: Sleeping
6 am: Sleeping
7 am: Sleeping
8 am: Sleeping
9 am: Sleeping
9:20 am: Wake up, blearily watch Jonathan turn it off, go back to sleep
10:20 am: Wake up again, watch Jonathan get up with the second alarm, go back to sleep
10:45 am: Goodbye kiss, back to sleep
11 am: sleeping
noon: sleeping
1 pm: sleeping
1:50 pm: Wake up, get up, go potty, get on the computer
2:10 pm: Hello kiss, eat leftover fried chicken, go read in bead
3 pm: Cuddling in bed, tickling Jonathan
4 pm: Laying in bed like a lazy bum, laugh at silly hubby, remember that Home Improvement is on
4:05 pm: Watch Home Improvement while playing on the computer
4:30 pm: Watch another episode of HI, flipping back to King of the Hill on FX every so often
4:45 pm: Goodbye kiss again
5 pm: Watch another King of the Hill.
5:30 pm: Watch Room Raiders (I love this show!)
6 pm: King of the Hill on WB / CSI on Spike / washing dishes
7 pm: more CSI

8 pm: Full House -- You know you're old when the shows you grew up watching are on Nick at Nite...
8:30 pm: There is nothing on TV!

8:45 pm: Finish washing dishes (I got distracted chatting on AIM earlier.) Get in the shower.
9:03 pm: Get out of the shower (yes I really do take that long of showers). Put on sexy nightie to welcome hubby home soon. Email Heidi. Watch The Fresh Prince of Belair.
9:08 pm: Put fish in the oven. Start cooking noodles.
9:30 pm: Remove fish. Welcome hubby home. Watch Futurama on Adult Swim!
10 pm: Watch the beginning of the Matrix on TBS
11 pm: CSI on Spike (the same episode as before - this is a good one!)
{to be continued}
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